Practicing lawyers:

Intellectual Property Protection

150 years ago, information was only a means of control and manipulation. Today, information and intangible properties are the most sought after in the market.

Intellectual property is created, sold, bought, leased, donated, etc. Like all other property objects, intellectual property can be used in bad faith, to the detriment of the owner or without his consent.

Intellectual property in Russia

Article 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation stipulates that everyone is guaranteed freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other types of creativity, teaching. Intellectual property is protected by law.

To protect intellectual property rights and protect information in the Russian Federation, a number of legal instruments are provided. All of them take into account the features of this object of protection and the requirements of international conventions and agreements to which Russia is a party.

Best defense is attack

The main way to protect intellectual property was and remains judicial protection. The law provides a list of the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization subject to judicial protection, in particular this:

  • works of science, literature and art;
  • programs for electronic computers;
  • Database;
  • execution;
  • phonograms;
  • broadcasting or cable radio or television broadcasts (broadcasting of broadcasting or cablecasting organizations);
  • inventions;
  • utility models;
  • industrial designs;
  • breeding achievements;
  • topologies of integrated circuits;
  • production secrets (know-how);
  • brand names;
  • trademarks and service marks;
  • appellations of origin;
  • commercial designations.

How can we help you

The Law Office of Moscow “Shcheglov and Partners” successfully operates the Department of Information Protection and Intellectual Property.

Lawyers of the Bureau provide legal support for projects in the field of information technology (IT) and the protection of intellectual rights on the Internet, the use of copyrights, transfer and alienation of means of individualization, registration and protection of patents, and also represent the interests of principals in the course of judicial protection of violated rights.

The specialists of our Law Office will assist you in such areas as:

  • Protection of trademark rights of the manufacturer;
  • defense during the investigation and in criminal court on the illegal use of trademarks, copyright and patent rights;
  • pre-trial and judicial settlement of disputes related to the protection of intellectual property;
  • representation in courts and in competent intellectual property bodies;
  • comprehensive support of activities in the field of information technology (IT);
  • assistance in resolving disputes related to patents, as well as providing legal protection of trademarks, know-how;
  • legal support of Internet projects, as well as investment support in Internet projects;
  • implementation of claims work on the protection of copyright and related rights;
  • assistance in recording the results of intellectual activity;
  • legal support of innovative activities;
  • support of transactions related to licensing, provision of franchises;
  • legal due diligence on intellectual property rights;
  • representation of victims in cases of illegal use of intellectual property;

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