About the bureau
Going back to the origins
In 1990, Yuri Shcheglov decided to end his rapidly developing career in the prosecutor's office
and devote myself to advocacy. Soon after, he formed a new law firm, Shcheglov and Partners.

On June 29, 1993, the Presidium decided to establish the office. According to tradition, we consider this day to be the Birthday of the Law Office of the city of Moscow "Shcheglov and Partners". The founders of the Bureau were the spouses Yuri and Irina Shcheglova, who since then have been giving all their time and energy to the bar and the cases of the principals, and also carefully ensure the functioning of the entire office.
How to evaluate the activity since 1993?
Comparison with foreign law firms, whose age may be more than 100 years, may not be in our favor. However, for a completely new, previously non-existent organizational form in the domestic legal field, which aims to protect the interests of citizens and legal entities, this is a worthy story.
Over time, our legal education has grown and changed. We created many services and ways to solve the problems of the principals from scratch, as they say, by experience. To this day, there are cases in the practice of lawyers in which we, having rolled up our sleeves, literally go to create a new judicial practice. And we create.
The main thing remained unchanged: the high level of professional training of lawyers and their exceptional decency.
Высшая ценность
"We value our name and your trust"
— this saying, born at the dawn of the formation of the partnership and addressed to the principals of the Bureau, is still relevant today.
No matter what happens around, our lawyers have always been united by a sensitive attitude towards the principal.
This careful approach has provided us with friendship, recognition and constancy of our principals. Having contacted us once, they continue to be loyal to our Bureau for many, many years, as well as we to them.
Our lawyers strictly observe attorney-client privilege and do not allow themselves to disclose even the fact of asking for help, no matter what high-ranking person has visited our office.
No doubtful benefit from making public names and statuses
it will not outweigh the security and peace of mind of the principal for us.
Corporate Ethics
In recent years, the issue of corporate ethics and integrity of individual representatives of the legal profession has become increasingly acute in the Russian legal profession.
The main criterion by which we choose our lawyers is a correct understanding of the public role of a lawyer, the value of our profession.
It is unacceptable for the partners of the Bureau to trade in the trust of those who have contacted us. We do not sell information, we do not deviate from the line of defense, we do not cooperate with various kinds of lovers of easy "profits" for non-existent services.
Any violation of the Code of Professional Ethics of a lawyer committed by a partner of the Bureau may become the basis for his exclusion from the Bureau. But in case of unfounded accusations and threats, we defend each of our lawyers to the last.
Our capital
"Our welfare is our team."
Today the bureau unites like-minded people
and idealists, for whom corporate philosophy, justice, fair justice are not just words.

And professional, intelligent lawyers with experience in related legal structures are united by a careful attitude to their status as a lawyer and a place in the team.
The Bureau pays special attention to the specialization of lawyers.
We are convinced that no matter how educated a lawyer is, a lawyer can be a truly brilliant specialist in one or two areas.
Due to their narrow specialization, the lawyers of the Bureau maintain a high level of professional knowledge, constantly improve their qualifications, easily navigate the latest legislation
and changes in judicial practice.

Bureau today
Almost the entire history of our office, as well as the lion's share of the accumulated experience, is now posted by us on a separate resource, the first Online library of law practice in Runet (www.advokats.ru ). This website is intended to demonstrate what the Bureau has become today
It so happened that their next changes
we have planned for the height of the pandemic, the middle of 2020. And it would be possible to refuse
from bold ventures, but the lawyers of the Bureau are not used to giving up. After all, as Winston Churchill used to say: "If you go through hell, don't stop."

Yulia Lyalutskaya
Managing Partner
On March 1, 2020, the management of the Moscow office of the Moscow Law Firm Shcheglov and Partners was transferred to the managing partner, lawyer Yulia Lyalutskaya.
Yuri and Irina

Yuri and Irina Shcheglov, in turn, headed the Spanish office of the Bureau, realizing a long-standing idea of expanding the practice in Spain and deepening the direction of legal assistance to Russian-speaking citizens in Europe.
In addition to the functioning of the Moscow and Spanish offices, as well as our traditional partner office in Vladivostok (Primorsky Krai), the Bureau constantly interacts with partners around the world, thereby ensuring timely and high-quality execution of orders from our principals in almost any corner of the world.
Today, each of the partners of the Bureau has passed a long way of professional development, is proud of membership in one of the oldest law firms in Russia and membership in a law corporation. We believe in strong advocacy and the triumph of justice.
Moreabout us