Participation of lawyers in trials, defense at the preliminary investigation
in criminal cases
- protection at the preliminary investigation from 250 000 rub
- protection of the rights of victims during the investigation from 150 000 rub
- defense of the defendant in court from 250 000 rub
- defense of the defendant in court with the participation of jurors from 500 000 rub
For administrative reasons:
- lawyers from 150 000 rub
- jurist from 75 000 rub
for civil cases:
(family, inheritance, land, labor, housing, etc.; compensation for damage, debt collection, protection of business reputation, etc.)
- lawyers from 100 000 rub
- jurist from 75 000 rub
For administrative reasons:
- lawyers from 100 000 rub
Provision of non-judicial services by lawyers and lawyers of the Bureau:
services of lawyers in the pre-trial settlement of disputes between individuals, including in the field of family, housing, inheritance, labor cases, debt collection, etc.
from 75 000 rub2.2
lawyers'services in the pre-trial settlement of disputes between business entities, including debt collection, damages and compensation, withdrawal of founders from the joint business participants and other commercial disputes
from 100 000 rub2.3
legal policy
personal and family lawyer services
from 120 000 rub/year2.5
representation of clients ' interests in state institutions and other organizations (at least 3 hours):
- lawyers from 12 500 rub/hour.
- jurist from 10 000 rub/hour.
Legal advice of lawyers and lawyers of the Bureau:
oral legal consultations (60 minutes): from 5 000 rub
- with the participation of an interpreter of the bureaufrom 7 000 rub
written consultations: from 15 000 rub
- with the participation of an interpreter of the bureaufrom 20 000 rub
legal opinions:
from 70 000 rub4.
The amount of the hourly rate of lawyers:
Managing Partner
30,000 (thirty thousand) rubles/hour4.2
Partner Lawyer
25,000 (twenty-five thousand) rubles/hour4.3
12,500 (twelve thousand five hundred) rubles/hour4.4
Lawyer's Assistant
5,000 (five thousand) rubles/hour4.5
The work of the administrative office and the secretariat (included
if necessary for the purposes of document management)
1,000 (one thousand) rubles/hour 5.
Drafting of legal documents:
lawyer's request or claim, response to the claim
from 15 000 rub5.2
statements of claim, claims, petitions, complaints, including on road accidents, etc. (in simple cases)
from 30 000 rub5.3
the same applies to complex cases (with a volume of more than 3 pages)
from 70 000 rub5.4
development of standard contracts, contracts, including marriage contracts, collateral
from 70 000 rub5.5
development of complex contracts, contracts, including marriage contracts, collateral with a volume of more than 3 pages.)
Legal services for businesses:
registration and sale of ready-made offshore companies
legal support of individual business projects: participation in transactions, negotiations,
conclusion of contracts
from 100 000 rub 6.3
independent execution of transactions, negotiations, conclusion of contracts
from 150 000 rub6.4
full implementation by the lawyers of the Bureau of the procedure for buying or selling a commercial real estate object in Moscow or the Moscow Region on behalf of the principal
from 2% (1)6.5
conducting legal examinations and preparing legal opinions
from 70 000 rub6.6
one-time participation in negotiations with contractors, members of the labor collective The Principal (in the absence of an Agreement)
from 36 000 rub6.7
preparation and holding of meetings of founders and shareholders
from 70 000 rub6.8
business section (negotiation, scheme, legal registration)
from 200 000 rub6.9
business section in court
from 2% (2)6.10
legal advice with departure
from 25 000 rub6.11
pre-trial settlement of disputes of economic entities
from 100 000 rub6.12
subscription service (at least 6 months)
from 70 000 rub/month6.13
protection of interests in the arbitration process (depending on the amount of the claim)
at least 150 000 rub7.
Services for foreign citizens and organizations:
legal advice on obtaining permits for work in the Russian Federation, obtaining a temporary residence permit, a residence permit and citizenship of the Russian Federation
5 000 rub7.2
legal advice on the same issues with the participation of our English translator
8 000 rub7.3
supporting the submission of documents to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation for obtaining
a temporary residence permit, a residence permit and citizenship of the Russian Federation
100 000 rub 7.4
comprehensive assistance in obtaining a temporary residence permit
150 000 rub7.5
comprehensive assistance in obtaining a residence permit
150 000 rub7.6
comprehensive assistance in obtaining Russian citizenship
from 150 000 rub8.
Legal support of real estate transactions
legal assistance in real estate transactions, which includes an independent examination of the transaction procedure proposed by realtors, support by a lawyer for all stages of the transaction, an objective and complete check of the legal purity
of the real estate object and all previous transactions with it
from 160 000 rub 8.2
full implementation by the lawyers of the Bureau of the procedure for buying
or selling a real estate object in Moscow or the Moscow Region on behalf of the principal
1% of the price of the object,but not less than 250 000 rub
support of the purchase and sale agreement with the condition of lifelong maintenance
from 70 000 rub8.4
verification of the legal purity of the transaction (study of all documents for a specific real estate object,
including the legal and technical history of the object)
from 70 000 rub 8.5
conducting a legal examination of the contract with realtors
from 50 000 rub8.6
assistance in collecting documents
from 50 000 rub8.7
development of the scheme, registration and security of the transfer of the deposit amount
from 50 000 rub8.8
drawing up a contract for the purchase and sale of real estate
from 7 000 rub8.9
representation of the Principal's interests in the state registration of ownership rights to real estate and transactions
with it in the unified state register
from 30 000 rub 8.10
legal examination of a ready-made package of documents for making a transaction
for the purchase and sale of a real estate object
from 50 000 rub 8.11
assistance in buying real estate in Spain (Costa del Sol), legal support of the transaction
Drafting of legal documents:
Oral legal advice (including by phone) on one legal issue in relation to an individual that is not included
in the subject of the Agreement
from 5 000 rub 9.2
Study of a written document for giving oral legal advice (including by phone) on one legal issue in relation
to an individual that is not included in the subject of the Agreement
from 3 000 rub 9.3
A written legal opinion on one legal issue in relation to an individual that is not included in the subject of the Agreement
from 30 000 rub9.4
Oral consultation (including by phone) on one legal issue in relation to a legal entity that is not included
in the subject of the Agreement
from 5 000 rub 9.5
Study of a written document for giving oral legal advice (including by phone) on one legal issue in relation
to a legal entity that is not included in the subject of the Agreement
from 3 000 rub 9.6
A written legal opinion on one legal issue in relation to a legal entity that is not included in the subject of the Agreement
A request for a written legal opinion is considered an appeal (question) The Principal (his authorized person)
sent to the Attorney in writing via the Russian Post (etc. similar organizations), by courier or by e-mail to the address of the Attorney
from 70 000 rub 9.7
Departure of the lawyer to the office (home) Principal
from 36 000 rub9.8
Urgent departure of a lawyer to the office (home) Principal
from 50 000 rub9.9
Departure of the lawyer to the detained person in the daytime
from 36 000 rub9.10
Urgent departure of a lawyer to the detained person
- during the dayfrom 50 000 rub
- at nightfrom 70 000 rub
sending a claim, statement of claim, lawyer's request,complaint by a lawyer (including in accordance
with Articles 123-125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation) via Mail Russia
(excluding the cost of mail services)
from 2 000 rub
familiarization with the case materials (criminal case, verification material, etc.) up to 3 volumes
50 000 rub9.13
familiarization with the case materials (criminal case, inspection material, etc.) in excess of 3 volumes
50 000 rub +5 000 rub for the 4th
and subsequent volumes
Указанные цены являются весьма приблизительными. Конкретный размер гонорара по каждой услуге определяется соглашением сторон. Размер гонорара зависит от сложности и объема дела, его актуальности, от профессионального стажа адвоката, привлечённого к выполнению поручения доверителя, а также от числа специалистов, занятых в юридическом обеспечении конкретного проекта и от ряда других обстоятельств по каждому конкретному делу. В любом случае, вопрос о стоимости услуг всегда обсуждаем.
Что касается стоимости текущей работы в рамках выполнения поручения, она полностью входит в общую сумму гонорара и не подлежит отдельной оценке. Но, в случае досрочного расторжения Соглашения, независимо от причины, каждый вид работы, выполненный в рамках заключенного касается стоимости текущей работы в рамках выполнения поручения, она полностью входит в общую сумму гонорара и не подлежит отдельной оценке. Но, в случае досрочного расторжения Соглашения, независимо от причины, каждый вид работы, выполненный в рамках заключенного